
Stormbringer! is always keen on hosting your Eternal Champion scenarios, be they new adventures to thrill and ponder or venerable stories republished for posterity (only with the appropriate permission of course!).


  • Calisander – Revised 2023 Edition

    A Scenario for the Stormbringer 5th Edition ruleset by Richard Watts

    Just what do Calisander Trammel, the limping man and Baron Zamoro of Old Hrolmar have in common? All is revealed in this exciting adventure by Richard Watts.

    Now updated and revised, Calisander: A Tale from Old Hrolmar is an adventure designed to introduce novice and experienced adventurers alike to the Vilmirian city of Old Hrolmar and bring to life its diverse assortment of residents. So please join us in this exciting adventure that begins simple enough but quickly escalates into a race against time, where failure to succeed might well signal the destruction of the Young Kingdom’s greatest bastion of change!

    As quoted from author – “Calisander was first run as a tournament at the gaming convention Conquest in Melbourne, Australia in 1992. This expanded version is written in such a way that Gamemasters can include the adventure into any Stormbringer campaign, and  where desired, expand upon the plot so as to develop it into the opening chapter of a longer campaign.”

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  • Shadows of the Past – Revised 2023 Edition

    A Scenario for the Stormbringer 5th Edition ruleset by Michael Baumann & Matthew Hartley

    The second adventure in a two-part mini campaign (for the first chapter of this collection see THE SANDS OF TIME) in which the characters are drawn into the wasted Shadow Plane and the wretched city of Ameeron – home of all those abandoned by the Gods. With little hope of escape, they must determine friend from foe and assist in resolving a decades old conflict!

    This Revised edition of Shadows of the Past has been updated to Stormbringer 5th edition and includes a new design and layout better befitting this excellent adventure.

    Written by Michael Baumann and Matthew Hartley, these scenarios were originally released via the CHASOSIUM website in 2003, and now appear on (in this new updated format) with the kind permission of their authors.

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  • Sands of Time – Revised 2023 Edition

    A Scenario for the Stormbringer 5th Edition ruleset by Michael Baumann & Matthew Hartley

    THE SANDS OF TIME is a challenging STORMBRINGER 5th Edition scenario written for four to six experienced adventurers. In this thrilling tale, our heroes are drawn into the long lost deserts of the forgotten Quarzhasaat empire, and there will be forced to face doom at the hands of a long cursed God and its vile play thing.

    Although THE SANDS OF TIME is designed to be the first part of a mini campaign (which is completed with the second scenario Shadows of the Past) it also includes alternate beginnings and endings are provided for Game Masters who do not choose to run the adventures back-to-back.

    Written by Michael Baumann and Matthew Hartley, these scenarios were originally released via the Chaosium website in 2003, and now appears on (in this new updated format) with the kind permission of their authors.

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  • The Brides of Pyaray – Revised 2023 Edition

    A Short Scenario for the Stormbringer 5th edition ruleset by Marcus D. Bone

    Chaos hides everywhere amidst the Young Kingdoms, fanned by the desires of mere mortals who lust for riches, power or eternity. In even the most law abiding of communities the worshippers of chaos can thrive, hidden in plain sight! In The Brides of Pyaray, the characters are lured into a mystery of their own making, where their desire to make good leads to an adventure offering dire consequences… does one dare ask; what indeed beckons the brides of the Tentacled Whisperer of Impossible Secrets?

    The Brides of Pyaray is a short scenario written for the Stormbringer 5th edition ruleset, and is designed to be played over one or two sessions. The premise of the adventure requires that the characters have access to their own ship and are – as any good Gamemaster is likely to ensure in any case – a little desperate for their next paying job. Set in the Isles of the Purple Towns and dealing with a number of events on the open ocean, it is recommended that the Game Master has access to the Stormbringer 4th edition supplements Sea Kings of the Purple Towns and Sailing of the Seas of Fate. In addition, some of the magic described in this adventure can be found in The Bronze Grimoire.

    This updated edition, adds little to the previous available version, except the addition of a new cover and a brief edit.


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  • Inhabitable Dreams

    A One-Off Scenario for the Stormbringer 5th edition ruleset by Richard Watts

    Fair winds carry a ravenous evil to Dhakos, City of Spires. King Dharmit’s capital of Jharkor is raw and bustling – soon it will be rawer still. Silver Leopards will die beneath the tiger’s claws as screams drift like seagulls over the once busy harbor. What burdens drove the slave-artist Halig to suicide by self-mutilation so soon after painting a bloody portent of his own demise? What nightmares and dreams of empire stir in the shadows and devour the waking world?

    Inhabitable Dreams is a tournament-length scenario written by Richard Watts.  Originally written and run at Arcanacon X, Melbourne, Australia, in 1992 (for 4th Stormbringer), it sets four nobles of Jharkor’s City of Spires – Dhakos – in a race to save their King – and his Kingdom – from the evil machinations of the dread pirates of Pan Tang. Designed to be completed in four hours, Inhabitable Dreams is bound to give your players nightmares!

    The edition you find here has been updated to the Stormbringer 5th edition ruleset, and provides not only 4 ready to use characters, but also a number of play-ready handouts designed to enhance your session.

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  • Choose Your Masques

    A Short Scenario for the ELRIC! ruleset by Carl Pates

    Deep with the bowels of Old Hrolmar an ancient evil has been released. Lying dormant for centuries the chaotic Masque of F’Haarok Tor has been found by a young girl who mistakenly ventured into a rotting temple of Chaos, sealed by the Champions of Donblas some two centuries before. Now the Masque has taken possession of the child’s body and once again roams abroad seeking fresh hosts to feed its unholy lust.

    Choose Your Masques is a short ELRIC! edition scenario introducing new powerful artifacts to the Young Kingdoms – the Masques of Law & Chaos.

    This adventure, and its supporting material, first appeared in the Herald of Doom fanzine, and is reproduced here with the permission of the author.

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  • A Dead God’s Dream

    A Scenario for the Elric of Melniboné ruleset by Dean Paolillo

    Set in the years prior to Prince Yyrkoon’s rebellion, A Dead God’s Dream throws veteran characters into intrigue and adventure in the twin capitals of Oin and Yu – Dhoz-Kam. Written by Dean Paolillo, this Elric of Melniboné adventure is easily converted into the Stormbringer ruleset.

    A Dead God’s Dream is an Elric of Melniboné scenario for 4-5 Veteran characters or equivalent, one of which must be a sorcerer. This story assumes that Yyrkoon still dwells in Melniboné plotting Elric’s demise. He has not fled Imrryr, acquired the Mirror of Memory and conquered Dhoz-Kam. Games Masters who wish set this story after Yyrkoon flees through the Shade Gate can do so with ease.

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  1. Erik Brickman

    This is an absolutely awesome page. Keep it up! It is sorely needed for Stormbringer GM’s such as I.

  2. James

    Hi, Luther. My name is James and I, too, am a fan of the Elric! rpg and I live in Houston. I’ve tried contacting you via email, but it probably wound up in spam. If you are interested in starting up a game, you can contact me via email : jamesunsubatgmaildotcom

  3. Luther

    Before i got the game again I used Google to look up and download the character sheets you can find most there for any edition

  4. Luther

    Hi I live in Houston Texas and am looking to get a group together to play elric dark fantasy role-play my email is if anyone lives near and is interested contact me so we can get together

  5. These are wonderful resources, thank you so much for posting them here!

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