Stormbringer & Elric!

Stormbringer was first published by Chaosium in 1981. The first edition was written by Ken St Andre and Steve Perrin, and was followed by a 2nd (little more and a tidy-up), 3rd (Games Workshop’s Hardcover book) and 4th edition (Chaosium’s single book format ~ which also including material from the Stormbringer Companion). The Elric! edition was published in the 90s with the 5th edition of Stormbringer (a revised and expanded Elric! edition) published in 2000. With the rise of Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition, a Dragonlords of Melniboné D20 version was released in 2001.

Stormbringer 1st Edition (Click to Expand)

Stormbringer was first published by Chaosium in 1981 and was written by Ken St Andre and Steve Perrin. It was reprinted a number of times, with changes between each printing (including depth of box, colour of map and the move from a single rulebook to three manuals).

Stormbringer 1st Edition Box set

Description – Core Rules Box set
Author – Ken St Andre & Steve Perrin
Stock Number – CHA2006-X
Published – 1981-1984
Page Count – Depends on Printing
ISBN – ?????

Stormbringer reveals more about my own fantasy books and characters than I could hare guessed! It does not merely derive from the books — it complements them perfectly. The game is delightful. – Michael Moorcock

Stormbringer is an easy-to-play game of Fantasy Role-Playing. Participants create imaginary characters to go adventuring through a world of fantasy where magic is real, heroes exist, and there are many places for adventure!

Stormbringer is set in the world of the Young Kingdoms — Michael Moorcock’s fantasy world for his Erie stories. Visit Imrryr, the capital of Melniboné, home of Elric. Visit the island of Pan Tang, where many sorcerers live. Explore exciting Tarkesh, the home of the greatest sailors of the Young Kingdoms. Meet Moonglum, Elric’s side-kick and rouge from eastern Elwher. Meet Rackhir, the Red Archer, a warrior-priest of Chaos, who is the greatest champion of Tanelorn. Meet Myshella, the Sleeping Sorceress and Mistress of Kaneloon, who commands powers that can create worlds. Try not to meet Stormbringer, the powerful runesword holding the key to the fate of the Young Kingdoms.

Characters begin as warriors, priests, nobles, hunters, sailors, merchants, or even beggars, working and fighting their way through adversity to reach greatness, wealth, magic, and fame.

In this game Game Masters are responsible for running scenarios, though players can go on solo adventures as well. A scenario is a single adventure which might b: a raid against monsters, a quest for a magical item, guarding a caravan, or ambushing a dragon. This box contains everything needed to set up such adventures.

STORMBRINGER RULESBOOK — This extensive guide to fantasy roleplaying is complete in itself. Rules for playing the game include a guide to the Young Kingdoms, how to create characters, weapons and combat, character skills, magic, religions, monsters, and an introductory scenario.

MAP TO THE YOUNG KINGDOMS — A beautiful wall map of the world of Elric as created by Michael Moorcock in his novels.

CHARACTER SHEETS — Pre-printed forms for players and referees to conveniently profile a character’s attributes are included, ready to fill out.

SIX SPECIAL POLYHEDRAL DICE — Also included an one 4-sided die, one 8-sided die, one 20-sided die, and three 6-sided dice used in the game.


Stormbringer 2nd Edition (Click to Expand)

The revised and updated Box set that saw many presentation changes from the earlier edition, while remaining essentially the same in detail. More information about the various print runs and versions of this edition can be found at Wayne’s Books and Old School Games (where Wayne has put considerable effort and time in collating details of the editions).

Stormbringer 2nd Edition Box set

Description – Core Rules Box set
Author – Ken St Andre & Steve Perrin
Stock Number – CHA2101-X
Published – 1985
Page Count – Players Book (64 pages)/Magic Book (36 pages)/Gamemaster Book (28 pages)
ISBN – 0-933635-00-1

Stormbringer reveals more about my own fantasy books and characters than I could hare guessed! It does not merely derive from the books — it complements them perfectly. The game is delightful. – Michael Moorcock

Uh oh…

You knew you were in for trouble when you answered the strange offer for work — few sailors in those northern parts are offered a noble’s pay in gold for a voyage with winter coming on, and fewer still are offered the job from a Melnibonéan wizard. Gads! What horrid eyes he had, red as blood, and skin as pale as a corpse’s. But the money was good and plenty, and there was little more to do in a frigid city like Banarva. Besides, who else but a famed Tarkeshite sailor like you could handle that strange ship?

But this? What can you do against an Elemental Lord like Grome, who can toss huge ships, even magical ships, about like bath toys? What about Elric, the one who hired you? He’s a brooding sort, and no mean sorcerer either. He’d have your head before you could turn to face him. And his sword, Stormbringer, is supposed to hold the fate of the Young Kingdoms within its eldritch blade. Maybe they can do something about this Grome. . .

STORMBRINGER is an easy-to-play game of fantasy roleplaying. Participants in the game create imaginary characters who go adventuring through a fantasy world where magic is real and heroes exist. Characters can begin play as a sailor, warrior, priest, noble, hunter, merchant, or even a beggar, working and fighting through adversity to gain magic, money, and fame.

This box contains everything needed to create and play such adventures.

INCLUDED IN THIS BOX — Players Book (welcome to the Young Kingdoms, character generation, movement, weapons & combat, skills, poisons, etc.), Magic Book (sorcery, lesser demons, elementals, Beast Lords, cults of Chaos, cults of Law), Gamemaster Book (hints for the gamemaster, a complete short adventure, statistics for characters from the novels), Map of the Young Kingdoms (17×22″), Reference Booklet (explanation of box contents, character sheets, 8 pages of reference tables, prices, etc. Three polyhedral dice (1D6, 1D8, 1D20) are included, enough to play the game.

As noted at its entry on RPGGeek, changes from Stormbringer (1st Edition) include:

  • Corrections to errata incorporated into rules
  • Original rulebook split into separate Players Book, Magic Book, and Gamemaster Book booklets
  • Map reduced in size from 22×28″ to 17×22″
  • Includes three dice (1D6, 1D8, 1D20) instead of six (1D4, 3D6, 1D8, 1D20)

Stormbringer Companion

Stormbringer_Companion_CoverDescription – Supplement with additional rules & 6 scenarios
Author(s) – Various
Stock Number – CHA2102
Published – 1983
Page Count – 80
ISBN – 0-933635-07-9

Includes 2 Solo Adventures

Stormbringer is a roleplaying game of action and adventure in the Young Kingdoms, the world created by noted author Michael Moorcock in his ELRIC novels. This is the first supplement produced specifically for Stormbringer.

Within this book you will find two main sections: Additions and Scenarios. The Additions section contains creatures, heroes (or antagonists), and exotic treasures for use by the Game Master in Stormbringer adventures.

The Scenarios section contains six far-ranging adventures ready for immediate play. The adventurers will travel the world over: starting from daunting Forest of Troos, through the Dragon Sea, into the Marshes of Mist, over the northern hills of Shazaar, and onto the Plane of Shadows. They must meet and master every foe imaginable, but the rewards are well-worthwhile for the few lucky survivors.

New Adventures, Creatures & Heroes

Demon Magic: The Second Stormbringer Companion

Demon_MagicDescription – Supplement with additional rules & scenarios
Author(s) – Various
Stock Number – CHA2103
Published – 1985
Page Count – 80
ISBN – 0-933635-19-2

Stormbringer Excitement!

DEMON MAGIC is the second companion for Stormbringer, the roleplaying game of action and adventure in the Young Kingdoms.

Authorised by fantasy author Michael Moorcock, DEMON MAGIC includes all necessary statistics, maps, and plans, and contains many original illustrations. Among its contents are:

  • The Velvet Circle: a scenario in seven chapters, which takes many sessions of play to conclude. The adventure includes a complete red-light district, with business notes and a plan of the Circle.
  • Sorcerer’s Isle: a shorter, more intense scenario to fill one or two evenings.
  • Runes of Rathdor: analyzes and describes the properties of six magical runes discovered during the reign of the 42nd Emperor of Melnibone.
  • Sanity for Stormbringer: introduces the optional characteristic of SAN into Young Kingdoms play.
  • Six new creatures, six nationalities, seven new Demon abilities, and five new magic items.

More Adventures, Creatures, and Magic

Stealer of Souls: A Quest for Vengeance in Ilmioria

Stealer of SoulsDescription – Scenario
Author(s) – Ken Rolston
Stock Number – CHA2104
Published – 1985
Page Count – 44
ISBN – 0-933635-27-3

Stormbringer Excitement

STEALER OF SOULS is a scenario book for use with the STORMBRINGER game. The scenarios depict a woman’s quest for revenge against a deadly conspiracy of merchants in Bakshaan. The four merchants (rivals of the woman’s father, a man named Haver Nikorni hired Elric to storm his keep and kill him. That battle is chronicled in the Moorcock story entitled “Stealer of Souls”.

Freyda Nikorn, the dead merchant’s daughter gathers together a group of adventurers and friends to embark on her mission of vengeance. The adventures in this book tell the tale of Freyda’s vengeance against the four merchants, and her success or failure is determined by the players.

The gamemaster is provided with extensive information on the government, culture, and environment of Bakshaan. A complete description of a Bakshaan-Karlaak trade car-avan is also included. Extensive character descriptions aid the gamemaster in storytelling.

Four pages of player pullouts provide the players with all the information they need to start playing the scenarios. The pullouts include player-character knowledge of Bak. sheen, a map of the city, and statistics for Freyda Nikorn.

The companion to this volume, called BLACK SWORD tells of Freyda’s quest to find Elric himself, and of their ultimate battle.

A Quest for Vengeance in Ilmiora

Black Sword: Pursuit of the White Wolf

Description – Scenario
Author(s) – Ken Rolston
Stock Number – CHA2105
Published – 1985
Page Count – 64
ISBN – 0-933635-28-1

Stormbringer Excitement

BLACK SWORD is a scenario book for use with the STORMBRINGER game. The scenarios depict a woman’s quest for revenge against Elric himself. Elric was hired by three merchants of Bakshaan (rivals of the woman’s father, a man named Haver Nikorn) to storm the Nikorn keep and kill her father. That battle is chronicled in the Moorcock story entitled “Stealer of Souls”.

Freyda Nikorn, the dead merchant’s daughter gathers together a group of adventurers and friends to embark on her mission of vengeance. The adventures in this book tell the tale of Freyda’s quest for vengeance against Elric and of Freyda’s final battle with the White Wolf. Her success or failure is determined by the players.

Freyda’s quest takes her across the land of Ilmiora to observe the breadth of the destruction which always follows in Elric’s wake. Elric’s adventures during this period are chronicled in the book “The Bane of the Black Sword”.

The gamemaster is provided with extensive information on the governments, cultures, and environments of the various lands which Freyda must visit while following Elric’s trail, including Nadsokor, Org, and Katlaak of the Jade Towers. Non-player-character descriptions aid the gamemaster in storytelling.

The companion to this volume, called STEALER OF SOULS tells of Froyda’s revenge against the conspiracy of merchants who slew her father, and of their plots against Freyda herself.

Pursuit of the White Wolf

White Wolf: Temples, Demons & Ships of War

Description – Supplement
Author(s) – Various
Stock Number – CHA2108
Published – 1987
Page Count – 56
ISBN – 0-933635-42-7

Explore Three Deadly Temples! Enter the Accursed Realm of Zhortra, Lord of Chaos.

White Wolf, a supplement for the Eternal Champion series of roleplaying games, presents many items of interest to gamemasters, particularly those wishing to run high-level campaigns. The book contains:

Complete information, stats, and maps for three powerful temples of the Young Kingdoms. DARKSPIRE: Temple of Chaos is a mysterious and sinister place, with many dooms for the unwary adventurer. From this dark abode the twisted worshippers of Mebelrode, the Faceless God, bring fear to all who fail to bow down to the power of Chaos! The Temple of the Eternal Flame lurks in the fiery heart of an ancient volcano. This remarkable temple is dedicated to the worship of Kakatal, Lord of Fire Elementals. The mighty fortress of HAVEN: Temple of Law stands defiant against the minions of Chaos, and offers refuge to all who flee their wrath. Its courageous guardians worship four great Lawful deities: Donblas, Goldar, Arkyn, and Callandus. They stand ready to battle Chaos whenever called upon by the faithful.

Escape from Yellow Hell, a high-level, ultra-magical scenario the will challenge even the most powerful adventurers. The adventurers must rescue a priest trapped on the Yellow Hell, a x5 Chaotic plane of the damned ruled by Zhortra, Lord of Chaos.

White Wolf also contains naval rules for the Eternal Champion series, suitable for any campaign, and new data on Elric of Melniboné (the “White Wolf”).

Any adventure created for an Eternal Champion game will function without flaw in any scenario in the series. The strength of Law or Chaos on a plane may affect a character’s magical ability.

The Octagon of Chaos

Description – Adventure (Theatre of the Mind)
Author – Tony Fiorito
Stock Number – TOME 68612
Published – 1986
Page Count – 56

IN THE TIME OF SAURIC THE LXXXVI, the Bright Empire was experiencing a time of peace belying the decadence and retrogression that had gripped the empire. Imperial garrisons in the far-flung southern Kingdoms are brought home to Imrryr, the dreaming city, their need apparently past. Upon this vacuum the greedy theocrat of Pan Tang cast a crafty eye. He was not known to waste his time on trifles. In another place, a faceless Duke of Chaos contemplated the coming slaughter. . .

This volume is designed specifically for use with Stormbringer, Chaosium Inc.’s fantasy roleplaying game set in the world of the young kingdoms, as written by Michael Moorcock.

Illustrations, diagrams and a pull out map are provided to help the game-master vividly portray the events of this epoch.

The stage is set… the curtain rises… Behold! The Octagon of Chaos.

Stormbringer 3rd Edition (Click to Expand)

A hardcover edition produced in 1987 by Games Workshop in conjunction with Chaosium, it also contained the “Stormbringer Companion”.

Stormbringer 3rd Edition

Description – Core Rule book
Author(s) – Various
Stock Number – GDW 00043
Published – 1987
Page Count – 208
ISBN – 0-933633-43-5

Available for the first time in a hardback book, and including the separately published Stormbringer Companion, Stormbringer brings alive the lands of the Young Kingdoms. Based on the same game system as the enormously popular RuneQuest Fantasy Roleplaying Adventure game, Stormbringer allows players to choose from a wide variety of backgrounds, from Melnibonéan Noble to Pan Tangian sorcerer. All the characters and places from the Elric mythos are here, ready for your characters to meet and adventure with.

Complete details of the Young Kingdoms at the time of Elric are included, along with creatures, characters and 7 complete roleplaying adventures, including two solos. With this one volume, you have a complete guide to roleplaying in the world of Elric, Moonglum, Rackhir, Yyrkoon – and, of course, the soul-stealing demon-sword Stormbringer.

Stormbringer 4th Edition (Click to Expand)

The arrival of Stormbringer 4th edition heralded a change towards the game mechanics seen in later editions; adhering more closely to the Basic Role Playing (BRP) system. Most of the material released for this edition is compatible with the later versions of the game, although some conversion is necessary in regards to skills and the characteristic range of some characters.

Stormbringer 4th Edition

Description – Core Rule book
Author(s) – Ken St Andre, Steve Perrin & John B. Monroe
Stock Number – CHA2110
Published – 1990
Page Count – 208
ISBN – 09-33635-66-4

Stormbringer is a roleplaying game based on a series of novels written by British writer Michael Moorcock. In these tales he describes Elric, the albino Prince of an empire that ruled the Young Kingdoms for 10,000 years but has settled, into a long decline. Now new nations are on the rise in the Young Kingdoms, new heroes have come to the fore, and new stories wait to be told.

This book includes everything you need to tell such heroic adventures:

  • an introduction to the Young Kingdoms (the world of Elric);
  • instructions and examples for character creation;
  • how to run a Stormbringer game session; complete background information about the inhabitants and nations of the Young Kingdoms including dozens of earthly creatures and creatures of chaos (plus methods of creating your own creatures);
  • game statistics for the major characters described in Moorcock’s tales including Elric of Melniboné and Stormbringer, his powerful runesword;
  • religions in the Young Kingdoms;
  • many adventures ready to play.

Rogue Mistress

Description – Campaign ranging across the Million Spheres
Author(s) – Fred Behrendt, Lane Grate, Keith Herber, Michael Szymanski & Lawrence Whitaker
Stock Number – CHA2111
Published – 1991
Page Count – 144
ISBN – 09-33635-73-7

An Epic Campaign Across the Multiverse

The multiverse is a complex system of intertwined universes, each unique, with peculiar physical laws, varying influences of gods of Law and Chaos, and differing in the degree to which the use of magic and technology are effective.

Heroes of sufficient cunning and ability traverse the physical barriers between these universes by means of special devices, spells, or magical portals. Risking their very existence, such heroes reap the reward of fabulous magical knowledge or exotic technological weaponry.

The Rogue Mistress is a vessel able to navigate among these million universes – a pirate ship of ancient origin, captained by the beautiful Maria de Tres Pistolas who leads an exotic free-booting crew gathered from across the Million Spheres.

The adventurers encounter the Rogue Mistress as the result of a foul trap laid by Pollidemia, an immensely powerful sorceress. Using monstrous allies, she forces the adventurers to do her bidding in a manner so fiendish that she ensures their loyalty and cooperation. If successful, she promises to make them whole once again.

Rogue Mistress presents a high-powered, dangerous campaign for either the Stormbringer or Hawkmoon roleplaying games. Rogue Mistress features eight chapters, comprehensive listings of new weapons, additional races from which new adventurers can be created, plentiful illustrations, plans, and diagrams, and new rules and clarifications for the Stormbringer roleplaying game.

Sorcerers of Pan Tang

Description – Supplement detailing the Isle of Pan Tang complete with 5 Adventures
Author(s) – Geoff Gillan, Richard Watts & Nick Hagger
Stock Number – CHA2112
Published – 1991
Page Count – 144
ISBN – 09-33635-79-6

Pan Tang is a grim island of lurking evil. Wild jungles to the north resound to the roar of a thousand tigers — the animal sacred to Chardhros the Reaper. The Plain of Glass divides the island, a shining wasteland of ancient volcanic catastrophe. The farmland to the south is a living hell to the slaves who work the great plantations.

The capital of Pan Tang is Hwamgaarl, the City of Screaming Statues. Tigers walk among men and feed when they please. Sorcerers study dark knowledge and summon awesome horrors from other planes to do their bidding. The citizens of Hwamgaarl take their pleasure in the Gardens of Pain, gather their knowledge at the University of Lucid Perversity, and propitiate the Lords of Chaos at the Palace-Temple of the Theocrat.

Jagreen Lern is the Theocrat of Pan Tang, presiding over this nightmare land. A new age is coming, and his armies are ready. Other nations of the Young Kingdoms already plot against Melniboné, and soon those plots bring war. Pan Tang hovers, vulture-like, awaiting the results of the first violent clash of Young Kingdom armies against the remaining might of Melniboné. Though Melniboné has ruled the world for 10,000 years, in only a small fraction of that time will it be destroyed.

Perils of the Young Kingdoms

Description – Scenario Collection of 5 Adventures
Author(s) – Fred Behrendt, Geoff Gillan, Nick Hagger, Mark Morrison, Mike Syzmanski & Richard Watts
Stock Number – CHA2113
Published – 1991
Page Count – 120
ISBN – 09-33635-82-6

A thousand years ago a great war between the Dharzi and Melniboné eliminated the ancient race of sorcerers from the Young Kingdoms, and established the Dragon Lords as masters of the world. Far to the north of Melnibone’, the family of a lesser lord took the caverns of a tall, black island as their home, transforming the former laboratory of a Dharzi sorcerer into a magnificent abode.

Then, the Bright Empire began its inexorable decline, and the caverns were abandoned. Four hundred and fifty years have past, and something dark and vile now inhabits this isle, warping the natural order of living things and twisting their very beings into hideous monsters.

Lord Straasha summons the adventurers to the coast of Tarkesh, bordering the frigid Pale Sea and the unholy domain of forbidden Pan Tang. Visions of bloody waves ceaselessly haunt their dreams, presaging a doom to come should the heroes fail to heed Straasha’s urgent call.

Sea Kings of the Purple Towns

Description – Supplement with 4 Adventures
Author(s) – Fred Behrendt, Nick Hagger, Mark Morrison, Anthony Utano & Richard Watts
Stock Number – CHA2114
Published – 1992
Page Count – 144
ISBN – 09-33635-43-5

Between the Oldest Ocean and the Eastern Ocean lies the Isle of Purple Towns, the center of commerce and trade in the Young Kingdoms.

Sailing into port, visitors are impressed with the magnificent buildings, the splendid markets, and friendly people. Few see the undercurrents, the dirty deals, and the politics which threaten to rip apart the apparent serenity of the island.

The Isle of Purple Towns is a haven for adventurers, a safe port to count money and plan future deeds of daring. It lies literally in the middle of the world, and ships sail from Purple Towns ports to every other nation.

It can form an excellent Stormbringer foundation for your roleplaying campaign.

ELRIC! Edition (Click to Expand)

Under the gentle gaze and guiding hands of Richard Watts & Lynn Willis, Elric! was designed to build on the earlier editions of Eternal Champion gaming while revisiting Michael Moorcock’s original source material.


Description – Core Rule Book
Author(s) – Lynn Willis, Richard Watts & Others
Stock Number – CHA2100
Published – 1993
Page Count – 160
ISBN – 09-33635-98-2


Melnibone is an island, an archipelago set amidst the oldest ocean. Ruler of the Young Kingdoms for the past 10,000 years, Melniboné has seen the might of its once all-powerful dragons wane. Their terrifying flights are no longer common, and the dragons sleep longer after each foray.

Imrryr, the dreaming city, is the capital of Melniboné. It is rich beyond imagining, but its people are quiescent, slumbering in a stupor of neglect and decay.

Elric is emperor, 428th in line of direct-descent from the first Dragon-Lord. Elric is a brooding albino, unlike his ancestors in many ways. Yet in his hands rests the future. To be counted Elric’s friend is to be found, dead.

Stormbringer is Elric’s fearsome runesword, intelligent and malicious, with its own plan for tomorrow. Stormbringer is highly magical, harkening from an age when chaos held greater sway upon the world.

The Young Kingdoms are a handful of upstart nations, once part of the bright empire, who in the past few centuries have dared to defy once-mighty Melnibone.

Elric! is a roleplaying game set in the fantasy world of the Young Kingdoms. Exhaustive BACKGROUND features detailed descriptions of the island of Melnibone and of her former holdings, known collectively as the Young Kingdoms. CHARACTER GENERATION is quick and complete: if you would like to create a character right away, turn to pages 30-31. The forces of Law, Chaos and the Cosmic Balance affect every adventurer, their allegiances reflect the choices you make for him or her. MAGIC includes rules for demon summonings, a cast spells system, and invocations and enchantments. CREATURES & PERSONALITIES chapters describe the multitude of beasts, denizens, and humanlike inhabitants of the world. SPOT RULES highlight important game details. The GAMEMASTER CHAPTER (recommended reading for new gamemasters), TWO SCENARIOS, SIX READY-TO-COPY adventurers, a NEW WORLD MAP, INDEX, LIST OF TERMS, STORMBRINGER CONVERSION RULES, and PLAY AIDS complete this book.

Summaries of important game features occur in the Foreword and Introduction.


Description – Supplement with Adventures
Author(s) – Geoff Gillan, Mark Morrison, Richard Watts & Penelope Love
Stock Number – CHA2001
Published – 1993
Page Count – 132
ISBN – 15-68820-01-1


Melniboné is an island, an archipelago set amidst the oldest ocean. For 10,000 years the bright empire of Melniboné ruled the world. The folk of Melniboné are not human, and their race is far older than humanity.

Powerful sorcerers, their magic comes easily to them. As easy as breathing.  They forged unthinkable pacts with demon cods. Shaped the elements and lands to their liking, and tamed dragons and rode them to conquest.

Age has dulled the bright empire, tarnished its beauty, and weakened its people. The empire rots from within. Soon a new emperor will come to the ruby throne, and rescue Melniboné from its dotage.

Elric is that emperor, a brooding albino unhappy with his pre-ordained life. He rails against the gods of chaos, his culture, and his proud ancestors. Will he bring the bright empire back to its former glory, or send it to its extinction?


ELRIC! is a roleplaying game based on the novels of Michael Moorcock whose numerous tales about Elric and other incarnations of the Eternal Champion inspired thousands of fantasy readers.
In this game, certain heroes discover secrets about the world of the Young Kingdoms, the nature of the universe, the gods of Law and Chaos, and their plans tor the future. You and your friends will portray ordinary people from the Young Kingdoms who seek adventure and the secrets to the mysteries of Iife. You will face the same situations and dangers that Elric, Moonglum, Dorian Hawkmoon and Corum encountered, but this time you are in control and the results depend on what you decide your character should do.

Elric! Gamemaster Screen

Description – GM Screen & Adventure
Author(s) – Les Brooks, Gustaf Björksten & Richard Watts
Stock Number – CHA2902
Published – 1994
Page Count – 4 page screen and 16 page adventure
ISBN – 15-68820-11-9


The Elric! Gamemaster Screen includes:

  • Herein Elric! Gamemasters will find invaluable tools to make their job easier. Whether you are a new player of the Elric role-playing game, or an experienced gamemaster, the play-aids in this kit will help you run your adventures. An  assemblage of key charts and much useful information is now in an easily referenced form. No more fumbling through the book to find important rules. New types of character sheets are provided to assist in record keeping, and an entry level scenario is also included to get you started right away.
  • The Gamemaster’s Screen is a large 8.5″ x 38″ quick reference source containing several of the most commonly needed charts and rules. This information is now available at a glance. A mood setting design graces the front of the screen while providing privacy for your adventure notes and
    maps. The long, low design blocks the players view but will not limit your line of sight. Unlike the taller screens available for most role-playing games this screen will not make you feel boxed in.
  • Four sturdy 8.5″x ll” Rules Reference Cards are included with Spot Rules and listings needed by gamemasters and players alike. Now you can keep your own rulesbook handy and pass around these play-aids instead.
  • A Gamemaster’s Book, complete with an evocative depiction of Stormbringer, is also included. It presents a short, concise index of the most commonly accessed sections of the rulesbook. This bookmark will not only hold your place, it will help you find particular sections when you need them.
  • New Character Record Sheets are included to make your NPC record-keeping easier. A Bound Demons & Elementals Sheet, a Rogues Gallery
    Sheet, a Leaders & Followers Sheet, a Squad Sheet, and a Large Squad or Rabble Sheet can be found herein. Reprinted here, two per page for easier photocopying, are the half-page Demon Sheets and the NPC Character
    Sheets. With these play-aids you can now keep all of your PC and NPC information on fewer pages and in a more convenient format.
  • Rounding out this Kit is a complete, ready-to-play scenario The Curse of Chardros. Intended for beginning characters, this scenario is perfect for an inexperienced gamemaster, or for starting out a new group of adventurers. It has enough horror and intrigue to fill a couple intense sessions of roleplaying. The Curse of Chardros will whet your appetite for more dark fantasy roleplaying . Happy adventuring-and good luck, your players will need it!

Fate of Fools

Description – Scenario Collection
Author(s) – Stefan Bjorling, Lawrence Whitaker & Others
Stock Number – CHA2903
Published – 1994
Page Count – 62
ISBN – 15-68820-24-0


All Humans are enmeshed by powers, circumstances, and wills greater than they. A few bear this burden humbly because they do not struggle against fate, they find it to be of no consequence. Some feel the burden too keenly, and take refuge behind cynicism, envy and indifference. Others try to calculate what profit can be gained at every turn, or choose a narrow, zealous commitment to an idea or religion.  So we twist and struggle until we die. When we reflect we revere as almost mystical those who stay true to their feelings and are lucky enough.

  • THE BOOK OF BRILLIANT THINGS – Strange apparitions haunt the city of Raschil. An unusual source commissions the adventurers to stop them. They journey to Cadsandria, to the famous university, and there attempt to gain  possession of a Melnibonéan rarity. Only the Book of Brilliant Things can staunch the flow of inexplicable events and restore a friend to his own.
  • THE FOUR SEASONS – A lovesick young nobleman finances a search across Ilmiora, the Sighing Desert, and the Weeping Waste in search of that which can heal his true love. The adventurers return with him to an  unpredictable conclusion. Including many incidents and characters, this adventure makes a convenient introduction to the Northern Continent.
  • MAPS include the Young Kingdoms portion of the Northern Continent, a summary plan of the University of Cadsandria, details of the library, and city maps of Ilmar on the Pale Sea, Raschil, and Cadsandria. There are also many illustrations and statistics, several new spells, and other source materials.

The Bronze Grimoire

Description – Supplement
Author(s) – Ross A. Isaacs, Mark Morrison & Lynn Willis
Stock Number – CHA2904
Published – 1994
Page Count – 80
ISBN – 15-68820-29-1


Sorcerers strive to understand the universe through unholy pacts with the lords and demons of chaos. Now their ambition grows.

Their rune magic allows them to cast hideous spells directly upon a living being or inanimate object, cursing the unfortunate with the powers of the damned. They speak with the dead, calling forth rotted cadavers to do their bidding and to divulge. Secrets from beyond the grave. Now these sorcerers search through ancient tomes for yet greater power, di5covering new demon breeds and new infernal powers with which to vibe them.

Fools! They will be the end of all.

The Unknown East

Description – Supplement
Author – Lawrence Whitaker
Stock Number – CHA2907
Published – 1995
Page Count – 94
ISBN – 15-68820-32-1


Twenty-thousand years ago Grome and Straasha waged a mighty war. Continents, oceans, islands & seas were created. Twelve-thousand years ago a strange people settled an island, changed the world, and in the process changed themselves.

Melnibone and her chaos patrons warred against the Menastrai, supporters of the balance, and a bloody fight ensued. Ancient sorceries allowed the Menestrai to flee their Melnibonean pursuers, and escape to unmapped eastern lands.  There they built beautiful kingdoms, each based upon the principles of balance.

For a thousand years they prospered until found by Melnibone once again.

Atlas of the Young Kingdoms Volume 1: The Northern Continent

Description – Supplement
Author(s) – Mark Morrison, Richard Watts, Lawrence Whitaker & Lynn Willis
Stock Number – CHA2905
Published – 1996
Page Count – 144
ISBN – 15-68820-21-6


Great Imperial Melnibone lay swollen across the world. Her fingers wound through the planes of the multiverse a hundred times.

Among the earthly slaves of great Melnibone were grunting ape-men who ploughed and harvested the fields and vineyards.

When the ape-men changed, they challenged their betters, and won against them. New Kingdoms were gathered, this time by human hands.

The Atlas of the Young Kingdoms: The Northern Continent discusses the Sighing Desert, the Weeping Waste, heavenly Tanelorn, horrible Nadsokor (the kingdom of beggars), the ancient evil of Org and the Forest of Trans, free-trading and progressive llmiora, and the Lawful hell of dying Vilmir. We learn the origin of the Young Kingdoms and the great rebellion of Vil Valario, the ways of the people, histories, products and attitudes, customs and holidays, provinces and towns, and important leaders. There are plot ideas and story seeds, scores of illustrations, full-page national and regional maps, city plans, a Lormyrian and a Melnibonean calendar and an index! Lovingly and ingeniously written, a triumph of sustained creation.

Sailing on the Seas of Fate

Description – Supplement
Author(s) – Nick Hagger, Mark Morrison, Carl Pates, Richard Watts & Others
Stock Number – CHA2906
Published – 1996
Page Count – 80
ISBN – 15-68820-22-4

Open Seas

Who rules the oceans has mastered the Young Kingdoms. Melniboné, the Isle of the Purple Towns, and Dread Pan Tang are the hinges of the sea and the grapples of the land.

Each seeks dominion in the world, and has had it in the past, or will have it soon. While Chaos, Law and the Balance leave the waters to the wind, those who dare may sail.

Sailing on the-Seas of Fate details ship and sea rules for use with the ELRIC! roleplaying game, providing all the tools and background needed by a gamemaster. It includes a ship record sheet, sixteen types of merchant vessels, various small boats, lethal warships, and the feared Melnibonéan battle barge. Also featured are sailing instructions, a ship disaster table, sea menaces, storms, siege engines, seafaring, survival at sea, ship and sea battles in the Saga, crew stats for five classes of vessels, creatures, scenario hooks, an analysis of the Dark Ship that sails the multiverse, spot rules for shipboard combat, shipboard fumble rules, many illustrations, more.

Stormbringer 5th Edition (Click to Expand)

The final Basic RolePlaying (BRP) derived edition of the Stormbringer ruleset. Refined from the earlier ELRIC! edition and now back to using the Stormbringer title, it expanded on the background and rules to create a definitive edition. Although not well supported (with only a few Monographs produced), it remains the most comprehensive and well loved version of this great game.

Stormbringer 5th Edition

Description – Core Rule book
Author(s) – Lynn Willis & Others
Stock Number – CHA2115
Published – 2001
Page Count – 302
ISBN – 15-68821-52-2

Elric lifted the huge blade easily and turned it this way and that, admiring its alien beauty.
“Stormbringer.” he said… it was suddenly as if he had been born again and that this runesword was born with him. It was if they had never been separate.
And the sword moaned sweetly and settled even more smoothly into his grasp.

– an excerpt from “Elric of Melniboné”

Stormbringer is a roleplaying game based on the novels of Michael Moorcock, whose tales about Elric and other incarnations of the Eternal Champion are now classics of fantasy available everywhere in the English-speaking world.

In this game, heroes discover secrets about the world of the Young Kingdoms, the nature of the universe, the Gods of Law and Chaos, and what their prophecies portend. You and your friends portray ordinary people from the Young Kingdoms who seek adventure, riches, power and understanding. You face the same sorts of situations and dangers that Elric, Moonglum, Dorian Hawkmoon and Corum encountered, but this time you must win those legendary victories.

This book includes everything you need to tell heroic adventures just as experienced by Elric and Moonglum. First is an introduction to the world containing complete background on Melnibone, the once-dominant nation, and her former holdings — now called the Young Kingdoms. Character generation is quick and detailed (if you would like to meet your adventurer right away, turn to pages 52-53). The forces of Law, Chaos, and the Balance affect every adventurer — your Allegiance reflects the choices you have made dur-ing play. Rules for demon summonings and bindings, a cast-spells system, and invocations and enchantments fill the Magic Chapter. Demons, Monsters, Folk bar Heroes describes the multitude of beasts, denizens, and human-like inhabitants of the world. Spot Rules highlight specific game details. The Gamemasters Chapter is recommended reading for new gamemasters. Two scenarios, six ready-to-play adventurers, adventurer sheet, NPC sheet, and Demon/Elemental sheets complete the book.

Chaos Cults of the Young Kingdoms

Description – Supplement
Author – Charles Green
Stock Number – Monograph #308
Published – 2004
Page Count – 84
Download as a PDF

The first of Charles’ two monographs, this book details the Cults of Chaos as they stand in the Young Kingdoms. Handily divided into player’s and gamemaster’s sections, it introduces a myriad of details about ever-changing faces of the Chaos Gods, their worshippers and goals in this plane of existence.

The conflict between the Lords of Law and Chaos, and the mediating force of the Cosmic Balance, is the central pole around which all of the Eternal Champion stories revolve. These beings, while godlike in power and scope, are “gods” in much the same way as the Greeks saw their divinities, i.e. as entirely human in their workings, full of lust and wrath, and as political an animal as any in existence. It is the conflicts between these beings that drives the Multiverse ever onwards, inspiring human agents to feats of tremendous heroism and despicable depravity. They are, in short, the prime motivators of the Balance, at once separate from it and forever enmeshed in its boundaries.

Old Hrolmar: Bastion of Change in the Young Kingdoms

Description – Setting Supplement
Author – Richard Watts
Stock Number – Monograph #331
Published – 2006
Page Count – 108
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The second of Chaosium’s published Stormbringer monographs, Old Hrolmar explores the Vilmarian city of the same name, and details how the home of Duke Avan Astran represents a bastion of change throughout of the Young Kingdoms. This monograph includes information on the city, its inhabitants and its future in a world doomed for destruction.

This monograph contains a complete guide to the Vilmirian city of Old Hrolmar, including its history, major locations and important residents. Like all supplements for the Stormbringer game published to date, this monograph is set in the year 399 YK, the year preceding Elric’s coronation as the 428th Emperor of Melniboné. Most of the material presented within Old Hrolmar is for the Gamemaster’s eyes only. Players should make every endeavour to avoid reading this book least the knowledge they gain lessen their pleasure in learning the city’s secrets as they are presented during the course of the game.

Gods of Law in the Young Kingdoms

Description – Supplement
Author – Charles Green
Stock Number – Monograph #335
Published – 2007
Page Count – 108
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The last of Chaosium’s Stormbringer Monographs, Gods of Law in the Young Kingdoms (written by Charles Green- with large contributions from Richard Watts) is an exploration of the motivations, purposes and goals of the White Gods of the Multiverse.

In this monograph, Charles delves into history and purpose of the Cults of Law, and the Holy Concordance of the White Lords. Additionally, he and others introduce the concept of using the Gods of Law as enemies in Stormbringer adventures, and supplies almost a dozen campaign seeds for your own ongoing stories.

Further information includes the Barrier of Law, the entropic wall that protects so many planes from Chaos, as well as optional rules to reflect the powers of Law and Order.

Dragon Lords of Melniboné D20 Edition (Click to Expand)

The early 2000’s saw the arrival of Dungeons and Dragons 3rd edition. As many companies began the scramble to produce D&D 3rd edition compatible products, Chaosium belated joined the masses with their Dragonlords of Melniboné version of Stormbringer.  Although not overly successful, the two releases in this line do build the Young Kingdoms setting and background.

Dragon Lords of Melniboné

Description – Core Rule book
Author – Lynn Willis, Charlie Krank, Richard Watts & Others
Stock Number – CHA 2017
Published – 2001
Page Count – 208
ISBN – 15-68821-50-6


For ten thousand years the Bright Empire of Melniboné ruled the world. Her soldiers were ruthless, unspeakably cruel, and skilled at arms. Powerful sorcerers, magic came easily to them, as easy as breathing. They forged eternal bonds with the aloof gods of Law and Chaos, with the hideous demons from other planes, with elemental lords who are of the world itself, and with the ancient dragons with which Melniboné enforced her might.

But wealth and age has dulled the Bright Empire, tarnished its beauty, and weakened its people. The empire rots from within. And outside, young kingdoms arise on the lands Melniboné’s sons and daughters carved from the stuff of chaos. These kingdoms are ambitious, and envious of the ancient wealth of their former masters.

A pirate navy is forming, to sail against the Dreaming City of Imrryr. Its captains hope to recapture stolen riches and to bring a hated overlord to ruin.

DRAGON LORDS OF MELNIBONE provides a heroic setting ftw your d20 System game in a complete and detailed roleplaying world developed by Chaosium Inc. and based upon the fabulous stories written by Michael Moorcock. The island of Melnibone and the world of the Young Kingdoms wage their eternal battle in a fully developed and exten-sive storyline. Ancient magic abounds. Sorcerous swords whisper of forgotten treasure. Spirits and demons plague the living … and a new albino emperor has taken the Ruby Throne, promising to restore the terrible heritage of Melnibone and bring the young upstarts to heel.

Slaves of Fate

Description – Scenario
Author – Jason Durall
Stock Number – CHA 2018
Published – 2001
Page Count – 88
ISBN – 15-68821-54-9

A D20 System Adventure for 1st to 3rd level adventurers/Set in the world of Elric, as created by Michael Moorcock

Following the decline of the Bright Empire of Melniboné, nations of the newly named Young Kingdoms struggle to assert themselves and thus ensure their place in the new world order.

The island-nation of Pan Tang seeks most to emulate feared Melniboné, sending her marauders across the oceans to secure slaves, both as labor for her growing industry and as sacrifices in dark magical rituals.

You have fallen prey to these depraved slavers. Are your cunning and skill enough to escape a gruesome fate?

SLAVES OF FATE provides an introductory adventure for use with Chaosium’s Dragon Lords of Melniboné sourcebook for the d20 System. Though designed for beginning adventurers, notes are provided to adjust the level of the challenges given in this book to be more appropriate to the experience of your gaming group.

This adventure can also be easily placed in your ongoing campaign.

This adventure is best when used with Dragon Lords or Melnibone, but ownership of that tome is not required.


  1. Arthur

    Is there any way to buy the digital version (pdf/kindle/ebook) of the 4th and 5th edition? I would love to test the system with my friends but could only find the option on Amazon for a physical book

    • Stormbringer

      Hey Arthur,

      Unfortunately there is no legitimate way of purchasing the now long out-of-print 4th & 5th editions. Amazon or ebay is your best chance, but be prepared to pay a pretty penny for them. In regard to digital copies… they can be found, but not via this site.

      Thanks for reaching out!

      • André

        I really wanna read more about the Scenario and System, where can I find the digital copies?

        • Stormbringer

          Sorry I don’t think there is is any *legal* way of acquiring any of the old material (in any of its editions) at the moment. Some deciduous internet searching might help you out…

  2. Michael

    I liked both 3rd and 4th editions of stormbringer, the former because it introduced me to the worlds of Elric, the latter because after reading the novels the supplements enriched the background. That and the 4th felt tidied, even though the demon categories disappeared.

    Elric! and the 5th were a bit hit and miss for me, the magic didn’t feel like it was as n the novels.

    The mongoose RQ2 version of Elric of Melnibone is better than the first iteration, though I augmented it with 4th ed stormbringer and background from Melnibone sourcebook to flesh out Bright Shadows.

  3. Michael

    My personal favourite editions, having got into Stormbringer back in 1980s through the 3rd released by GW, is a toss up between the 4th (fun) and Elric of Melnibone for Mongoose RQ2. Would love to see Mournblade in English, when they get round to announcing the KS

  4. Steven

    THIS SITE IS AMAZING! I’m re-reading the books now, which made me go down memory lane and want to revisit the RPG’s. I had the 3rd edition and Elric! It’s all here, WOW. My favorite memory was creating a buddy’s 3rd ed. character. We rolled for country of origin, he got Nadsokor, the City of Beggars. He rolled a d4 for afflictions, (of course he rolled a 4)- 1 Mentally disabled, 2- grossly fat, 3- missing a hand, 4- missing a foot. I showed some mercy by arming him with a demon club (like a My First Stormbringer). Turned out to be an awesome character. Thanks for all the work!

  5. Wayne

    The updated Old Hrolmar monograph is awesome.
    Regarding Stormbringer 5th edition, the only comment I have is that I feel the individual human cultures like Vilmir. Jhakor etc need to be fleshed out a bit to provide some variety . I will have a go at this I think and see how it develops.
    Love this site. Keep up the excellent work

    • Stormbringer

      Hey Wayne, thanks for your message (sorry been away with the Christmas/New Year break)… look forward to what you bring to the table! Do feel free to reach out if you want a sounding board as well.

  6. Hi!
    Glad to see the Stormbringer love.
    I’m on a Stormbringer kick on my OSR blog.
    Take a peek, feel free to leave comments.

    • Stormbringer

      Thanks Tedankhamen! Totally agree with you observations and assessments over on your blog. Hope the influence of Arioch continues for time to come.

  7. George

    Ah, the good old days when people still used their imaginations instead of their game controllers….

    Years ago, I fell in love with Elric 2nd Ed., and was already a heavy player of Runequest Deluxe. Interestingly enough, the systems were HIGHLY compatible and blended well into a magnificent game multiverse true to Moorcock’s writings. At one point, we even threw in some Call of Cthulu. The richness and expansiveness was awe-inspiring, and the group NEVER tired of the game. Best part was how easily the system blended together and allowed characters to bounce between Glorantha and the Young Kingdoms.

  8. Have you checked Lobo Blanco?

  9. JOHN

    Please note that I have no experience with this specific game and I know almost nothing about it. But I would like to play the full storie so I need to know witch ones I should buy…

  10. JOHN

    Is every edition a stand-alone? I mean are the expansions of each edition only meant for the specific edition or can you combine them with any of the other core sets?

    • Stormbringer

      Hi John,

      Yes, every edition is standalone and comes with all the rules you need to play. That said the earlier editions are very very different from 4th Edition, and even more removed from the ELRIC! and 5th Edition versions. My suggestion is that you pop over to the BRP Central forum (see the link on the site) and ask any questions you might have. Lots of long time players there and they are always friendly!

  11. Erik Brickman

    Is there a possibility to change the old front pictures for the 1st edition and 2nd edition boxes? I mean they’re on their side and not really anything but puny in size. I´know I am biased as those are the versions I love, but surely there should be a chance of finding them online. Here is one on Pinterest for instance!

  12. mark ramsdale

    in third edition, “including the separately published Stormbringer Companion”, sounds great.

    Do you know if this is included in the editions after the 3rd?

    • Stormbringer

      In spirit only… 4th edition was a complete rewrite (undertaken by Ben Monroe) which was a tidy up of 1st/2nd. The later ELRIC! and 5th edition were a total reworking of the Basic Role Play system.

  13. Mike

    Personally my favorite SB Ed is the 1st ed Red Book. With the GW edition right there with it. After that it seemed to lose something primal. At least for me it did.

    I’ve often thought of bolting the SB setting and 1st ed sorcery onto the RuneQuest 3rd Ed, (AH version), or even use the Big Gold Book. I like location hit points but enjoy the parry system of SB better than RQ. I also think one could easily use Stormbringer or RQ , (any BRP product really), to play in Glen Cook’s Black Company setting. Another dark and deadly world.

    I would like to see a Basic Role Playing book which was setting agnostic and stripped of magic and powers. Just the full system, various options and a nice array of weapons. Then source books would add the setting which should include magic, power, tech etc; as required for that setting. I doubt this will ever emerge from Chaosium as they seemed to have dropped the system agnostic approach in favor of RQG and CoC. But we all have our ‘ideal’ BRP and the great thing is we can easily tweak the system.

    Personally I dislike combining attack and parry, (Elric! and SB5), which feels wrong to me and turned me off to those editions. The BGB defines it as a simplification and I agree. I really enjoyed that if a character never parried in game with his short sword that he did not gain skill doing so. If this guy lost his ever present shield, it hurt. That and I really hated being yelled at (Elric!!!!). The name sucked mainly because of the exclamation. That said E! and SB5, (nearly identical), really is a nice game in itself but I still like the raw, unfettered format of 1st Ed.

  14. David

    how can I help with the scenario DB? send you lists?

    • Stormbringer

      Of course! Drop me a line over at stormbringerrpg@gmail and we can chat!

  15. David

    This is a fantastic site. Loads of interesting and helpful stuff. I just wonder why the scenarios database got stuck? It would be great to have a complete list of officially published scenarios plus scenarios from magazines maybe. Anyway, thanks for the great work!

    • Stormbringer

      Hi David, Sorry for the late delay. State of the scenario DB? Comes down to time really, and knowing what to add… happy to have any assistance in the collection of SB or related material!

  16. Mark Ramsdale

    Great Site. Good to be able to look this all over.

  17. Mickey

    Is there a form fillable character sheet for Elric! edition?

  18. Steve Valladolid

    The Old Hrolmar supplement is a tremendous resource and a work of art. The is an astonishing amount of useful information throughout.

  19. Tom

    We played 4th edition in the late ’90’s making …introducing it to my nephew…
    How much change between 4th an 5th?

  20. Max

    Can i find the official character sheets here?

  21. Mark Roland

    Great site! Makes me want to dig out all my old Stormbringer game stuff and start running again. I am already planning a scenario in which the PCs meet Ulrich von Bek from The War Hound and the World’s Pain. On a related subject, has anyone noticed how often anime series and video game companies plagiarize Elric? My nephew was so angry when he found out who REALLY created Elric that he is now reading all the Eternal Champion stories and spreading the word. I guess there’s some hope for the next generation, after all.

  22. Erik Brickman

    I second that! A wonderful site and true to the spirit of the old Stormbringer RPG.

    • Stormbringer

      You’re welcome. I do wish that there was more I could do, but these days SB and the multiverse in general aren’t that popular. Still this site will remain here for a good while yet. Thanks again!

  23. Rob

    I just discovered your site – it’s wonderful! Thank you.

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