Tag: Mark Morrison

[Review] Stolen Moments

A Stormbringer 4th Edition Scenario written by Nick Hagger (with Mark Morrison & Richard Watts), with art by Gustaf Bjorksten and Kon Heristanidis

It’s been a thousand years since the embattled Bright Empire clashed against the degenerate Dharzi. A millennium that has seen yet more change, conflict and the demise of the Melnibonean people. Today, the human race dominates the Young Kingdoms, feeling safe in their new roles as masters of the land and sea. Yet echoes of ancient times remain, lurking unseen at the edge of the known world, ready to show these upstart ‘rulers’ that the past can never be forgotten…

Stolen Moments is the fourth scenario from the brilliant Perils of the Young Kingdoms supplement released by Chaosium Inc. in 1991 (during the heyday of the 4th edition, and some might say the entire Stormbringer line). Written by Nick Hagger (with additions by Mark Morrison & Richard Watts) and art by Gustaf Bjorksten and Kon Heristanidis, it comes in at a solid 18 pages of action and discovery, which while at times feels slightly too linear, is in other ways an excellent example of what makes the Stormbringer setting so unique.

Please note, as with all such scenario reviews on the Stormbringerrpg.com site, these commentaries are the opinion of their author only, and are rated in three simple categories – Must Run, Should Run, Might Run (see the sidebar below for more information on these ratings).

Stolen Moments is recommended as a Must Run scenario.

Herald of Doom: The Stormbringer Fanzine

First published in 1994, the Herald of Doom was a short lived Stormbringer/Elric! fanzine that saw contributions from many of the games leading authors. Edited and published by Malcolm Wolter, this professional looking magazine broke ground in both presentation and content. Contributors included Mark Morrison (renowned Call of Cthulhu author), Richard Watts (Line Developer of the ELRIC! edition and regular contributor here at Stormbringer!) and Lawrence Whitaker (who is one of the key writers for Mongoose Publishing’s Eternal Champion line).

It is hoped that additional issues of Herald of Doom will be released over the coming year.

Please note, this is a scanned copy of the original issue, and at the editors request has limited accessibility. It is a pleasure for Stormbringer! to be able to host this fantastic magazine and everything it represented to the game line.

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