Tag: 4th edition

[Review] Stolen Moments

A Stormbringer 4th Edition Scenario written by Nick Hagger (with Mark Morrison & Richard Watts), with art by Gustaf Bjorksten and Kon Heristanidis

It’s been a thousand years since the embattled Bright Empire clashed against the degenerate Dharzi. A millennium that has seen yet more change, conflict and the demise of the Melnibonean people. Today, the human race dominates the Young Kingdoms, feeling safe in their new roles as masters of the land and sea. Yet echoes of ancient times remain, lurking unseen at the edge of the known world, ready to show these upstart ‘rulers’ that the past can never be forgotten…

Stolen Moments is the fourth scenario from the brilliant Perils of the Young Kingdoms supplement released by Chaosium Inc. in 1991 (during the heyday of the 4th edition, and some might say the entire Stormbringer line). Written by Nick Hagger (with additions by Mark Morrison & Richard Watts) and art by Gustaf Bjorksten and Kon Heristanidis, it comes in at a solid 18 pages of action and discovery, which while at times feels slightly too linear, is in other ways an excellent example of what makes the Stormbringer setting so unique.

Please note, as with all such scenario reviews on the Stormbringerrpg.com site, these commentaries are the opinion of their author only, and are rated in three simple categories – Must Run, Should Run, Might Run (see the sidebar below for more information on these ratings).

Stolen Moments is recommended as a Must Run scenario.

Interview with Fred John Behrendt

The early to mid 1990s was an undeniably golden age for the Stormbringer Role Playing Game. Under the leadership of the likes of Keith Herber, Richard Watts and Greg Stafford, it finally reached the creative heights it always aspired to, delivering a run of supplements that would become beloved by fans worldwide.

Yet this period of creativity would’ve never been possible without the individual writers who would take the raw concepts of Moorcock’s Multiverse and transform them into the scenarios and support material that has done do so much to define this great RPG. In this regard, few names stand out as much as Fred John Behrendt, the author behind many of the game’s best and most interesting adventures… and a true Champion of the Young Kingdoms

Interview with Ben Monroe

Ben Monroe was the creator of the Stormbringer 4th edition Magic system and is the author of the forthcoming Magic World RPG. Ben is a former Chaosium employee with close ties to the company, a master of layout (and the sacrifices given to such a task), and an all-round great guy. Earlier this year Stormbringer! took the time to talk about his input into our favourite RPG and his upcoming release (which as a lot more in common with Stormbringer than you could have ever have guessed!).

Over the years many individuals would come to guide the direction and future of the Stormbringer RPG, crafting it into the game we all remember so fondly. One such contributor is Ben Monroe, a one time employee, and long time supporter of Chaosium. Ben has been a contributor to numerous incarnations of the Basic Role Play system (BRP), including Call of Cthulhu, but perhaps of most interest to the followers of Stormbringerrpg.com was his involvement with the 4th edition rule set. More specifically it was his redesign of the magic system that better reflected how demons, elementals and objects of Law should be dealt with in game – a vision that continued right up to the last printing of Stormbringer.

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