Over the last few decades numerous editions of Eternal Champion roleplaying games have been released. But, as all roleplayers know, it is the fun and adventures had within those sessions and settings that truly defines a game’s success. The database below is an attempt to collect together all of the adventures, scenarios and campaigns written and published for these games/editions – be they by official publishers, from supporting outlets (such as magazines etc.) or simple the product of our hobby’s creative fans.

It should be noted that this list is likely never to be fully comprehensive, given the span of time and the variety of places (and languages) Eternal Champion roleplaying has appeared. If you know of other scenarios or adventures out there, please feel free to submit them using the submission form below.


In addition to the searchable database below, the list can be download either as a formatted spreadsheet (MSExcel, XX KB), in its raw format (CSV, XXKB) or as a formatted PDF (PDF , XX MB), for quick reference.

Scenario Database

This database of scenarios is fully searchable, using either the search box and filters located below, or sorted using the Headers of each column. The + symbol beside each entry will display more information about the scenario, including any specific details, its availability and where it may be sourced.

Submit to the Database

If you know of any scenario, adventure or campaign scenario for any of the variety of Eternal Champion roleplaying games out there, please feel free to submit an entry to the database using the feedback form below. Please Note – All submissions will be manually verified before appearing here.